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​A Fantastic Hungarian Invention: A House with Water Walls

August 14th, 2014
The first water house of the world located in Kecskemét was built based on the idea of a Hungarian architect. In the house water flows between the double layers of the walls, the ceiling, the ground and the inner glass surfaces. The unique idea comes from architect Mátyás Gutai.

Water Columns Increase Comfort

The 33-year-old architect graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and later studied in Tokyo, where he still works doing research. The architect has been trying to find the answer to the question how water could be economically used in architecture. The water house can be the answer: the main advantage of the hybrid structure is that it enhances the comfort of the residents, since thanks to the built-in answering capability the permanently flowing water provides an equalizing effect.

The Water House Cost HUF 54 Million

Mátyás Gutai was helped by his former classmate Milán Berényi, who managed to get a HUF 36 million EU subsidy on a tender which covered 67 percent of the whole cost. According to the inventor the new structure can be used when building a new house, when renewing an old one, and it also can be combined with traditional structures.

Several Companies Are Interested in the Patent

The prototype is a 10-square-meter house, which’s several centimeter thick water columns provide heating, cooling, they even the difference in temperature, and store solar energy. The idea has been patented, and several companies are interested in using it.


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