Buyers search for new apartments in Hungary with medium size and price
November 9th, 2015The 11th and 2nd districts are the most popular and buyers mainly don't want to deal with renovating their newly bought apartments - these are among the main takeaways of the analysis conducted by Portfolio based on the data available on the Otthontérkép site.
The surge in the real estate market shows itself in the statistics of Otthontérkép too: the number of searches grew by 15-20 percent recently. Most of the users are looking for homes in Budapest based on the data collected in September, the capital has a greater than 60% share, followed by the counties Pest (14.5%) and Veszprém (3.6%).
Most of those who look for apartments in the countryside do so in Pécs, Budaörs and Debrecen. Also popular are Szeged, Dunakeszi and Szentendre among others.
The most popular areas in the capital are the 11th, 2nd and 13th districts, most users would like to buy houses or apartments here, while the 21st, 20th and 23rd districts are among the least popular areas. It is clear that inner districts are still popular, the high prices however discourage many people who look for homes in cheaper areas instead.
Most of the users are searching for estates in the price range between 12-20 million Forints. Also popular are the categories between 7-12 million and 20-35 million. Least popular are the estates that cost more than 100 million, but the share of the segment is still 5.2%.
If we look at size of estates those between 50 and 75 square meters are the most popular in terms of searches (with a more than 30% share), followed by the apartments between 75 and 100 square meters.
It is also clear that buyers would like to avoid estates which need renovation, this category accounts for less than 3.9% of searches. Most popular are the new and newly built apartments which together make up almost half of all searches. This indicates that there is still a huge demand for new estates while there are still very few available on the market.